
I have a SQLite table called "Nodes" with a set of all nodes (each node has multiple properties).

In an activity, I use an extension of SimpleCursorAdapter to display a subset of the Nodes table, based on a SQL query, passing it the Cursor over the table of results (from the query).

{id_long, name_string, description_string, nodetype_enum_toString...}
    1, "home", "home_desc", "cool"
    2, "item1", "item1_desc", "warm"
    3, "item2", "item2_desc", "hot"
    4, "item3", "item3_desc", "warm"
    5, "item4", "item4_desc", "hot"

I want to modify each of the list items in my ListActivity such that it displays a different color based on whether an item is cool, warm or hot. I have a small (empty) view, but it's always defaulting to white (the 'else' portion).

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    convertView = super.getView(position, convertView, parent);

    if (convertView == null) convertView = View.inflate(mContext, R.layout.viewstack_item, null);
    View nodetype_view = (View) convertView.findViewById(;

    mGenCursor_cur = mDataHelper_db.getAll();

    Log.i("test", "node type key " + mGenCursor_cur.getColumnIndex(DataHelper.NODES_TYPE_KEY));
    String type_nt = mGenCursor_cur.getString(mGenCursor_cur.getColumnIndex(DataHelper.NODES_TYPE_KEY));
    String name_str = mGenCursor_cur.getString(mGenCursor_cur.getColumnIndex(DataHelper.NODES_NAME_KEY));
    Log.i("getView", title_str + "typeis " + type_nt + " at position " + position);

    if (prio_np.equals(NodePrio.HIGH.toString())) {
        Log.i("prio_np", "high red");
    } else if (prio_np.equals(NodePrio.NORMAL.toString())) {
        Log.i("prio_np", "norm magenta");
    } else {
        Log.i("prio_np", "else (low) white");

    bindView(convertView, mContext, getCursor());

My issue is that while the cursor passed to the SimpleListAdapter will contain the _IDs (I assume) of the corresponding nodes in the subset I want, the position parameter in getView is local to the subset, so I can't cross-reference it with the Nodes table. Am I missing some easy technique?

As always, any help appreciated.

comment 4 of the marked answer helped me solve this: storing the cursor that was passed to the SimpleCursorAdapter as a member variable, then using move to position, and getLong:

long id = mCursor_cur.getLong(0);

where position is the local parameter in the getView() method, and 0 is used for getLong because the db_id is the first column in the cursor passed to the SimpleCursorAdapter

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in java == should not be used for string comparison string1.equals(string2) is what your are looking for see here for further info

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