
I'm trying to get Jasmine tests running in Karma. This is for an AngularJS app using RequireJS, but for now, the test is a simple expect(true).toBe(true); test with no Angular dependencies. I've found that it runs when I disable Karma's requirejs module and comment-out "client/app/require-shared.js" and "test/require-test.js" in files and load the testSpec.js file directly.

However, as soon as I re-enable requirejs and add the RequireJS config files back to karma.conf.js's files--keeping the testSpec.js file there to be loaded "statically"--I see the errors

Chrome 33.0.1750 (Windows 7) ERROR
  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'failedCount' of null
  at C:/.../project/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/adapter.js:126
Chrome 33.0.1750 (Windows 7) ERROR
  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
  at C:/.../project/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/jasmine.js:2518
Chrome 33.0.1750 (Windows 7): Executed 1 of 2 ERROR (0.009 secs / 0.001 secs)

If I try the full Angular test, I get errors about $injector being null, but I think it's all rooted in this requirejs module issue. What am I missing in my setup to make this work?


module.exports = function(config) {

        basePath: "../", // resolves to "project/"

        frameworks: ["jasmine", "requirejs"],

        files: [
            // load the RequireJS config files first

            // set included to false for files to be loaded via RequireJS
//          {pattern: "bower_components/**/*.js", included: false},
//          {pattern: "client/**/*.js",           included: false},
//          {pattern: "test/unit/*Spec.js",       included: false}
            {pattern: "test/unit/*Spec.js"}

        // list of files to exclude
        exclude: [
//          "client/app/app.js",
//          "client/app/bootstrap.js",
//          "client/app/require-main.js",

        reporters: ["progress"],
        port: 9876,
        colors: true,
        logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
        autoWatch: false,
        browsers: ["Chrome"],
        singleRun: true


    paths: {
        "app":            "../app/app",
        "angular":        "../extlibs/angular-1.2.14",
        "jquery":         "../extlibs/jquery-2.1.0.min",
        "ng-cookies":     "../extlibs/AngularPlugins/angular-cookies-1.2.13",
        "ng-resource":    "../extlibs/AngularPlugins/angular-resource-1.2.13",
        "ng-route":       "../extlibs/AngularPlugins/angular-route-1.2.14",

    ,shim: {
        angular: {
            exports: "angular"
        ,"ng-resource": {
            deps: [ "angular" ],
            exports: "ng-resource"
        ,"ng-cookies":     ["angular"]
        ,"ng-route":       ["angular"]
        ,"ngui-bootstrap": ["angular"]


var allTestFiles = [];
var TEST_REGEXP = /(spec|test)\.js$/i;

var pathToModule = function(path) {
    return path.replace(/^\/base\//, "").replace(/\.js$/, "");

Object.keys(window.__karma__.files).forEach(function(file) {
    if (TEST_REGEXP.test(file)) {
        // Normalize paths to RequireJS module names.
        var normalPath = pathToModule(file);
        console.log("adding " + file + " as " + normalPath + " to allTestFiles array");

    baseUrl: "/base/client/components/"

     * "path" is defined in require-shared.js and shared with
     * require-main. Add paths for the testing files.
    ,paths: {
        "test":          "../../test",
        "bower":         "../../bower_components",
        "angular-mocks": "bower/angular-mocks/angular-mocks"

    ,shim: {
        'angular-mocks': {
            deps: [ 'ng-resource' ],
            exports: 'angular.mock'

    ,deps: allTestFiles
    ,callback: window.__karma__.start


describe('a basic test of version', function() {
    it('true should be true', function() {
Was it helpful?


The problem was that the TEST_REGEXP generated by karma init looked for either spec or test in the filename. This resulted in the require-test.js file getting pulled in as a test specification.

The solution is one of

  • rename require-test.js
  • change (spec|test) to just spec in the RE
  • change the RE to /^(?:(?!require-test\.js$).)*(spec|test)\.js$/i (see also, this answer)


This could also be the cause of your problem as it reports the same error under alternate circumstances (missing package.json): However, if you are seeing this error message with this outcome, then you're running an older version of npm. Upgrading will give you a different error message (according to the thread).

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