
I am using CakePHP and Nick Baker's Facebook Plugin, and I am trying to retrieve a certain user's checkins. The problem is that I have quite no idea on how to do this. There is nothing related to checkins in the plugin's documentation. All I have is the api() method which I don't know how to use.

I have this so far:

App::import('Lib', 'Facebook.FB');
$FB = new FB();
$this->set('checkins', $FB->api(''.$this->Connect->user('id').'/checkins'));

but the checkins variable contains only this:

    [id] =>

But have no idea on how to continue. Also, after I retrieve the checkins, I would like to search whether a user has checked in in a specified place. I will be glad for any help you can give! Thank you!

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The api() method only takes a URL relative to the API endpoint, so you should be calling:

$result = $FB->api('/<uid>/checkins');

Also, make sure you have the proper permissions, especially user_checkins.

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