
With Java and Python GAE applications can connect to local Datastore in development mode before send to

I have install a Datastore as Local Development Server

I want to connect to local datastore using nodejs, I read this Google Tutorial to use Datastore with nodejs, but I don't found any information about how to connect

I follow this tutorial, but this only connect to a appstpot Datastore.

Thank you.

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Solution 3

Not yet. The Cloud Datastore nodejs implementation uses JSON, which the local development server doesn't support yet. See the note at the top of this page:


Now you can with gcloud, read the documents at:

You can use datastore-emulator in your local apps.

Firstly, install google-cloud library. Then run,

gcloud auth login
gcloud -q components install beta cloud-datastore-emulator
gcloud -q beta emulators datastore start --no-store-on-disk --project='your_project_id'

When I use gcloud.datastore.dataset({projectId: 'project-id']) I'm getting the following error:

gcloud.datastore.dataset is not a function.

It works only when I set var ds = cloud.datastore({projectId: 'project-id']).

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