
I am little confuse while fetching products in HQL. Product has multiple SKUs and SKU has multiple availibility.. Below is my hql query.

select distinct p from Product p 
join p.skus sku
join sku.availibility a
where sku.skuType = "DEFAULT" AND a.available = true && = 5;

I have to filter the products where skuType is "DEFAULT" and availiblity of only that sku("DEFAULT" type).
I am confused because.. I am thinking in above query available and part will check in all the skus not just the default sku..
How this query behave ? Am i wrong ? IF yes then how can be query structured for this ?

Thanks, Ankit

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No, Your query will only return a set of products P, where each e in P matches the following:

  1. e has a SKU which has skuType="DEFAULT" AND
  2. e has a SKU which is skuType="DEFAULT" AND that SKU has availability a WHERE a.available = true && = 5

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I am thinking in above query available and part will check in all the skus not just the default sku..

Yes, It the query execution will loop through your CROSS JOIN set, but it will ONLY RETURN products that match the conditions given above.

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