
I have the following (simplified) problem. I have 3 Tables: MainTable, TableId1 and TableId2. They look like this


| Type  | Id1  | Id2 |
| a     | 0    |   3 |
| b     | 1    |   0 |


| Id1 | code |
|   1 | abc  |


| Id2 | code |
|   3 | xyz  |

I want to obtain the following result Set:

| Type  | code |
| a     | xyz  |
| b     | abc  |

I am right now using a UNION ALL, but it is not elegant and becomes a pain when my query becomes more complex and I have to edit it etc.

There has to me a way to avoid UNION ALL here I hope, can anyone show me?


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select type,isnull(tid1.code,tid2.code) as Code
from MainTable mt
left join TableId1 tid1 on mt.Id1=tid1.Id1
left join TableId2 tid2 on mt.Id2=tid2.Id2

SQL Fiddle to test Query


Use LEFT OUTER JOIN and use where clause for Id1 and Id2 != 0. Will post query in a minute.

You could try:

    MainTable  mt
        LEFT OUTER JOIN TableId1 t1
        ON mt.Id1 = t1.Id1
            LEFT OUTER JOIN TableId2 t2
            ON mt.Id2 = t1.Id2

However this would give you:

| Type  | code | code |
| a     | null | xyz  |
| b     | abc  | null |

which may or may not be ideal for your scenario.

Define a view that gets data from all those 3 tables (using UNION ALL or not). This way you'll have to modify a single piece of code while your query "becomes complex".

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