
I wrote a stack class to evaluate a postfix expression. I understand how to do it except for the order of it. Let's say I have a simple one like:

A B - C +

My only question is, would it be A - B, or B - A? I can't find any resource online that explains that part of evaluation.

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Your operators are just functions. So you can define those functions however you want.

I personally would define - to take two arguments, and subtract the second from the first. This would be consistent with most people's expectations, and also how existing RPN calculators work. See, for instance, for more on that.


Simple ES6 implementation:

const postfix = input => input.split(' ').reduce((result, token) => 
  ? [ eval(`${result.shift()}${token}${result.shift()}`), ...result ] 
  : [ token, ...result ]
, [])[0];
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