
It is possible in spring to inherit from an abstract class, and let the implementation automatically create an instance of any @Bean annotated method?

abstract class BaseConfig {
    public Car car() {
            //very complex initialize routine for a car
        Car car = new Car();
            System.out.println("complex car created");
        return car;

    abstract Manufacture getManufacture();

CustomManu1 extends BaseConfig {
    Manufacture getManufacture() {
        //return custom manufacture

CustomManu2 extends BaseConfig {
    Manufacture getManufacture() {
        //return custom manufacture

@Import({CustomManu1.class, CustomManu2.class})
public class AppConfig {

Is that possible to inherit the @Bean and let spring create 2 Beans of type Car here?

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Yes, public methods are inherited, so CustomManu1 and CustomManu2 will inherit the @Bean annotated method car().

and let spring create 2 Beans of type Car here?

This depends how you load your @Configuration classes.

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