
I am doing this

p4 edit <list of files>
p4 revert -a
p4 submit -d "automation"

Now if there is no change in the default changelist the p4 submit option fails. How do I submit only when there is some files in default changelist

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Before you run your submit, run p4 opened and see if it returns any results (e.g., pipe it to wc -l, say). If it does, do the submit; if it does not, skip the submit.


Thanks to Mark I got this working.Adding it below so that others can benefit

@echo off
p4 opened   2>&1  | findstr /I /C:"File(s) not opened on this client."  1>nul
if %errorlevel% == 0 (
echo "Nothing to submit"
) else (
p4 submit -d "automation submitting XXXX"
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