
So I'm still pretty new to VIM but I've managed so far. I am using python.vim in my syntax folder. But whenever I paste python code from outside into VIM, the indentation is different. VIM syntax makes a tab, that is 8 char wide, but pasted text is 4 whitespaces. You can see it on this pic:

VIM pasted code

Is the syntax file wrong? Or should I adjust some settings?

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You may just have vim set to convert spaces to tabs. Try setting:

tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab

in your .vimrc. Also, before you paste, just do

:set paste

Then insert, paste, then

:set nopaste

Here is a good writeup on paste mode.


Sometimes with vim pasting you can visually select the copied code and press


which will reformat the code to your settings.

Try setting tabstop and shiftwidth to 4.

set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
" Correct bad indent while pasting.
nnoremap <Leader>p p=`]
nnoremap <Leader>P P=`]
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