
So I have JPA, Hibernate, and etc set up in my Play! Framework application. The database connects and etc., but I do not get at all how to run a simple query on a controller. Could someone provide me a simple controller class that directly executes a query? (Ex. "create table tablename")

I am looking for a Java example.

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Solution 2

Take a look into official JPA sample, you'll find there some sample queries (in models)


below code in scala is working in controller, but use model for this

 case class City(city: Int, town: Int)
  def userCities(id: String) = Action{
  var info:List[controllers.MyController.City]=List()
  val data=DB.withConnection {
    implicit Connection =>
       val sql = "SELECT city ,town FROM cities WHERE userId=118376027237390  limit 0,1"
       val res = SQL(sql)
  info = res().map(row => City(row[Int]("city"), row[Int]("town"))).toList
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