
I am having trouble running a test that uses a mockup for a service call (retrieve a location from the web sql database).

This is the controller:

.controller('LocationDetailCtrl', function ($scope, $stateParams, LocationDbService, ProjectDbService) {

    $scope.getLocation = function () {

            function (tx, results) {


                if (results.rows.length > 0) {
                    console.log("We are in the if statement");
                    $scope.location = {
                        id: results.rows.item(0).id,
                        name: results.rows.item(0).name,
                        address: results.rows.item(0).address,
                        lat: results.rows.item(0).latitude,
                        lng: results.rows.item(0).longitude,
                        radius: results.rows.item(0).radius
            function () {
                console.log("Could not retrieve the location");

Before each test:

var ctrl, scope, locationDbService, projectDbService, stateparams;
// inject the $controller and $rootScope services
// in the beforeEach block
beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, _LocationDbService_, _ProjectDbService_) {
    // Create a new scope that's a child of the $rootScope
    scope = $rootScope.$new();

    stateparams = {locationId: 1}; //mock your stateparams object with your id

    // Create the controller
    ctrl = $controller('LocationDetailCtrl', {
        $scope: scope,
        $stateParams: stateparams,
        LocationDbService: _LocationDbService_,
        ProjectDbService: _ProjectDbService_
    locationDbService = _LocationDbService_;
    projectDbService = _ProjectDbService_;

The test:

 it('a location should be retrieved',
    function () {
        spyOn(locationDbService, 'get').andCallFake(function(success, fail){

            var results = [];
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Jeroen",
                    "address": "Kontitch",
                    "latitude": "27.6648274",
                    "longitude": "-81.51575350000002",
                    "radius": 50

            var rs = {
                //rs is a SQLResultSetobject
                insertId: 0,
                rowsAffected: 0,
                rows: {
                    //rows is a SQLResultSetRowListobject
                    length: results.length,
                    item: function(index) {
                        return results[index];

            success(null, rs);


I get the following test failure:

Number is not a function

Does somebody know why I get this error? Thanks in advance!

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I don't believe that you can use angular.mock.inject to mock your own service for you. I have always created an object that has the needed fields/functions on it to mock the service via spies. Inject what you can:

inject(function ($controller, $rootScope)

mock what you can't

stateparams = {locationId: 1};
locationDbService = jasmine.createSpyObj('LocationDbService', ['method1', 'method2']);
projectDbService= jasmine.createSpyObj('ProjectDbService', ['method3', 'method4']);

Then create your controller with these:

ctrl = $controller('LocationDetailCtrl', {
    $scope: scope,
    $stateParams: stateparams,
    LocationDbService: locationDbService ,
    ProjectDbService: projectDbService

This way you have full control over what is being injected into your controller to truly isolate it for your unit test.


I've created following mock in the beforeEach:

        locationDbServiceMock = {
        get: function (index,cbsuccess, cberror) {
            var results = [];
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Jeroen",
                    "address": "Kontitch",
                    "latitude": "27.6648274",
                    "longitude": "-81.51575350000002",
                    "radius": 50

            var rs = {
                //rs is a SQLResultSetobject
                insertId: 0,
                rowsAffected: 0,
                rows: {
                    //rows is a SQLResultSetRowListobject
                    length: results.length,
                    item: function (index) {
                        return results[index];

            cbsuccess(null, rs);

I just inject this mocked service into my controller and it works.

I've found what was wrong with my code, I forgot the index parameter:

U can use this:

function (locId, success, fail)

Or my mockup object in the other answer

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