
OK, it's my first try with ColdFusion and I'm having some serious trouble.

I just tried


within a <cfscript> block, and it keeps throwing errors.

What's going on?

P.S. What I'm trying to do is something similar to php's print_r or var_dump; so if you know of a better/alternative way to achieve the very same thing, I'm all ears! :-)

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Taking James's idea forward, what is your CF version, because writedump will work only in version 9 & later. If you are on version 8 or earlier, you have to use <cfdump var="#someVar#">

If you have to use it in cfscript, then you can write your own custom function

<cffunction name="myDump" returntype="void">
    <cfargument name="arg" required="true" type="any">
    <cfdump var="#Arguments.arg#">

and then call this function inside cfscript block

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