
I have to support an older component which is written in VB6. The componenent has methods to access the database via ADO Recordset.

Now I run into an error while I found out that someone uses a semicolon in a password. As semicolon is a reserved character it needs to be escaped.

Found this resource: and

So I tried add this code:

Private Function MaskString(ByVal p_sVal)
  Dim l_sString As String
  Dim l_sQuote As String
  l_sQuote = """"
  l_sString = p_sVal
  If InStr(1, l_sString, """") > 0 Then l_sQuote = "'"
  If InStr(1, l_sString, ";") > 0 Then l_sString = l_sQuote & l_sString & l_sQuote
  MaskString = l_sString
End Function

So I call this function for each value and the final connection string then is like:


Used like:

AdoConnection.ConnectionTimeout = lConnectionTimeout
AdoConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString

However this seems to be correct now, but VB6 Ado give me the following error now:

Method OpenDB: -2147467259 - Ungültiges Attribut für die Verbindungszeichenfolge - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

(Probably english is like - Invalid attribute for the connection string - )

So old VB6 doesn't support this? Or how do I escape those reserved chars then?

Was it helpful?


Try to use Password keyword instead of pwd



Maybe if you pass the semicolon using chr(59) it might help ? Also lookout for the double quotes.

Connection string = "provider=sqloledb" & chr(59) & "database=data_base_name" & chr(59) & "server=server_name" & chr(59) & "uid=sa" & chr(59) & "pwd="""test" & chr(59) & "password"""
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