
I have been adapting the IBM angularjs tutorial here into a Yeoman angular-fullstack tutorial and it has been relatively easy except I have one Issue. When I vote on a Poll the data does not refresh and show the results on my version.

I have tried Debugging through it as best I can and I cannot see any difference between my version and the IBM version that would cause this issue. I have also looked here on SO and on google but I'm actually completely lost.

my entire code base is located here on github and I have embeded what I think is the relevant code below, Any help would be greatly appreciated

This is the client side controller

    .controller('PollViewCtrl', function ($scope, $routeParams, Poll, socket){
        $scope.poll = Poll.get({pollId: $});
        socket.on('myvote', function(data) {
                if(data._id === $routeParams.pollId) {
                  $scope.poll = data;
              socket.on('vote', function(data) {
                if(data._id === $routeParams.pollId) {
                  $scope.poll.choices = data.choices;
                  $scope.poll.totalVotes = data.totalVotes;
              $ = function() {
                var pollId = $scope.poll._id,
                    choiceId = $scope.poll.userVote;
                if(choiceId) {
                  var voteObj = { poll_id: pollId, choice: choiceId };
                  socket.emit('send:vote', voteObj);
                } else {
                  alert('You must select an option to vote for');

and this is the relavent server side code

var io = require('').listen(app.listen(config.port));
var poll = require('./lib/controllers/polls');

//poll.js = function(socket) {
  socket.on('send:vote', function(data) {
    var ip = socket.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || socket.handshake.address.address;
    Poll.findById(data.poll_id, function(err, poll) {
      var choice =;
      choice.votes.push({ ip: ip });, doc) {
        var theDoc = {
          question: doc.question, _id: doc._id, choices: doc.choices,
          userVoted: false, totalVotes: 0
        for(var i = 0, ln = doc.choices.length; i < ln; i++) {
          var choice = doc.choices[i];
          for(var j = 0, jLn = choice.votes.length; j < jLn; j++) {
            var vote = choice.votes[j];
            theDoc.ip = ip;
            if(vote.ip === ip) {
              theDoc.userVoted = true;
              theDoc.userChoice = { _id: choice._id, text: choice.text };
        socket.emit('myvote', theDoc);
        socket.broadcast.emit('vote', theDoc);


Here is the factory for socket

.factory('socket', function($rootScope) {
        var socket = io.connect();
        return {
          on: function (eventName, callback) {
            socket.on(eventName, function () {
              var args = arguments;
              $rootScope.$apply(function () {
                callback.apply(socket, args);
          emit: function (eventName, data, callback) {
            socket.emit(eventName, data, function () {
              var args = arguments;
              $rootScope.$apply(function () {
                if (callback) {
                  callback.apply(socket, args);
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Solution 2

This was simply a mix up of variable name, while IBM was using pollId in their route for getting a poll I was using id but had managed to use pollId in my controller, once I changed this all behaved as expected.


You have to make an apply when you're receiving the sockent on AngularJS because is not "in the AngularJS world".

You have a rerally great tutorial here to do what you want :

If you have any questions just ask it !

Hope it helps

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