
I want to run the following setup script to configure a postgresql database that's being deployed via a virtual machine, provisioned via vagrant using puppet:

#!/bin/bash -e

sudo su - postgres
createdb testdb

psql -s tm351test -c "create user test password 'test';GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE testdb TO test;"

touch /root/postgresql.done

My vagrant config takes the form:

package {
  ]: ensure => latest;

file {
    source => 'puppet:///modules/infinite_interns/root/postgresql.setup',
    owner  => root,
    group  => root,
    mode   => '0744';

#TO DO - how do we guarantee the postgresql server is running and tools available?
exec {
    cwd     => '/root',
    command => '/root/postgresql.setup',
    creates => '/root/postgresql.done';

service {
    ensure => running,
    enable => true;

Package['postgresql'] -> Service['postgresql']

How do I guarantee that that the postgresql server is installed and running, and the command line tools available, before running the config script?

I'm new to Puppet - does the Exec() not run if the created file postgresql.done exists?

I suspect that the psql command may also expect a confirmatory "return" to execute the command - how would I do that?

Was it helpful?


There's an official postgresql module that can be easily installed:

puppet module install puppetlabs-postgresql

or adding following to your Puppetfile:

mod 'puppetlabs-postgresql'

The configuration might look like this:

  class { 'postgresql::globals':
    encoding => 'UTF-8',
    locale   => 'en_US.UTF-8',
    version  => '9.6',
  class { 'postgresql::server':
    ip_mask_deny_postgres_user => '',
    ip_mask_allow_all_users    => '',
    listen_addresses           => '*',
    version                    => '9.6',

  postgresql::server::db { 'testdb':
    user     => 'test',
    password => postgresql_password('test', 'testpassword'),

  postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow connection from ...':
    description => "Open up PostgreSQL for access from test domain",
    type        => 'host',
    database    => 'testdb',
    user        => 'test',
    address     => '',
    auth_method => 'md5',


Your best bet is to use the postgres module

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