
We are using Google Maps geocode service to get Latitude and Longitude for a given address, We invoke google maps geocode service in a loop for each address(the loop max size is 50 addresses). we are using this MAPs for State of Texas HHSC Help website (

Below is service URL that we are using to get Latitude and Longitude.,Austin%20TX%2078754&key=ABQIAAAAU6mRnxlKP7D0V5v9DF3PIRT7KmOOtdkA0SYMLaxMRemphasized textpf2Wu2TCRTCqatXcIx0ULuVNHCz_jELYoAgXw&output=csv&oe=utf8&sensor=false

Google thinks this is Unusual traffic from our computer network, but it is not.

If you copy and paste the above link on your browser URL, you will see the below message.

The service is not working and it says We're sorry... ... but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. See Google Help for more information.

Need help , Sorry,If this is not right place to post this issue,
How to contact google on this issue, since its not commercial website issue. or is there any alternative way to get Latitude and Longitude for given address. Any insight would be appreciated.

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