
I am attempting to move between states (using ui.router) programmatically without the user having to click on anything. The documentation at$state seems to indicate that I can do this with $state.go('') except that I'm having trouble making this work.

I've created a plunkr to demonstrate my issue. The state should ideally be switching to show "Success" rather than "Failure" when it's run. If you look at the console, it'll say that it cannot read the property 'go' of undefined. How else can I go about changing the state programmatically?


Edit: more clearly specifying that I'm using ui.router

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2 things:

  1. You forgot to inject $state into your
  2. Use $stateChangeSuccess instead

    .run(['$rootScope','$state', function($rootScope, $state) { $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, next) { $state.go('root.other'); })}]);

Working plunk.

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