
I am wondering what is the best way to realize a multi language support for a web app with handlebars and EmberJs in the back. There is no native multi language support in handlebars.

I found a handlebars helper The code looks good and pretty simple, but I didn't test it yet.

Do you know another plugins/helpers?

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I use this one which is specific for Ember:

It adds a 't' handlebars helper :

{{t main.offers countBinding="offers.length"}}

It supports plurals (via CDLR.js) and is not limited to handlebars thanks to Em.I18n.TranslateableProperties mixin, which allows property translation via a convention on any Ember Object.


It is very easy to write a helper, so you will find none or many handlebars implementations.

I'm using for my projects. The implementation is a peace of cake.

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