
I have started exploring mongodb couple of weeks back. I have a scenario here. I have a collection which has 3 million records.

I would want to perform aggregation on the aggreation based on two keys (also need to use match condition). I used aggregation framework for the same. I came to know that aggregation would fail if the processing document size (array) exceeds 16 MB.

I faced the same issue when i tried. I am trying to use map reduce now. I would need the guidance on implementing the same. How can I overcome the 16 MB size limit by using map reduce?

Also I came to know that I can do it by splitting the collection into multiple collections and do the aggregation on the same. Would be great if anyone can point me in right direction?

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Even without code there are basic answers to your questions.

The limitation on the BSON document 16MB output size is for "inline" responses. That means a response from your operations that does not write the individual "documents" from your response to a collection.

So with mapReduce a statement much like this:

    { "out": { "inline": 1 } }

Has the problem that the "array" in the response needs to be under 16MB. But if you change this to output to a collection:

    { "out": { "replace": "newcollection" } }

Then you no longer have this limitation.

The same applies to the aggregate method from versions 2.6 and upwards using the $out pipeline stage:

   // lots of pipeline

   { "$out": "newcollection }


This overcomes the limtation by the same means by outputing to a collection.

Actually with the aggregate statement, again from version 2.6 and upwards this returns a cursor, just like the .find() method, and is also not subject to this limitation.

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