
Filter email address with regular expressions: I am new to regular expressions and was hoping someone might be able to help out.

I am trying to pattern match an email address string with the following format:

I want to be sure that there is a period somewhere before the '@' character and that the characters after the '@' character matches

Thanks, Brad

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You want some symbols before and after the dot, so I would suggest .+\..+@gmail\.com.

.+ means any symbols (.) can appear 1 or more times (+)
\. means the dot symbol; screened with backslash to suppress the special meaning of .
@gmail and com should be matched exactly.

See also Regular Expression Basic Syntax Reference

EDIT: gmail rules for account name only allow latin letters, digits, and dots, so a better regex is


check valid email


enforced rules:

  • must start with alphanumeric char
  • can only have alphanumeric and @._- char and have no max than 253 char
  • cannot have 2 consecutives .
  • char before @ can only be alphanumeric and ._-
  • most have @ in the middle
  • need to have at least 1 . in the domain part
  • cannot have double - in the domain part
  • can only have alphanumeric and .- char in the domain part
  • need to finish by a valid extension of 2 or more letters
  • added support for ip (test@

You don't even need regex since your requirements are pretty specific. Not sure what language you're using, but most would support doing a split on @ and checking for a .. In python:

name, _, domain = email.partition('@')
if '.' in name and domain == '':
    # valid

You haven't tell us what kind of regex flavor you need however this example will fit most of them:


Assuming Unix style where . is any character: .*\..*@gmail\.com

Edit: escaped the . in the domain

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