
I have following table

Schema::create('jokes_categories', function(Blueprint $table) {

Schema::create('jokes', function(Blueprint $table) {
    $table->string('content', 200)->unique();;
    $table->enum('is_active', array('Y', 'N'));

In the jokes table category_id is a foreign key and it has a one-to-many relationship with jokes_categories

In the model I have the following:

class Joke extends \Eloquent {

    public static $rules = array();

    // Don't forget to fill this array
    protected $fillable = array();

    public function JokesCategory(){
         return $this->belongsTo('JokesCategory');

In the controller I have the following:

$jokes = Joke::all();

But it does not pull through (I was under the impression that the model definition will directly help to pull related models)

What could be the solution?

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Your query is just on the Joke table.

You could eagerload the categories ie.

$jokes = Joke::with('JokesCategory')->get();

See docs:


The convention is actually camel case instead of pascal case, otherwise Laravel doesn't seem to automatically load the relationships. I made the same mistake and couldn't figure out why my relationships where not loading automatically.

public function jokesCategory()
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