
In my ui.R I am trying to capture the number entered from a textbox

textInput(inputId="dataSize", label="Choose Number of Rows", value = 1000)

And in my server.R I am trying to reactively get this value and create the output

datasetInputNumber <- reactive ({ input$dataSize })
output$number <- renderPrint({   datasetInputNumber()  })

I then have a separate .R file where I want to pass this number to a sql query

query <- sprintf("select * FROM Table limit %s;", limit)
result <- dbGetQuery(connectionString, query)

How can I get the output number into this previous .R file and set it to "limit"? The .R file is sitting in the correct directory and is being loaded by the server.R


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You'll just need to run that command inside a reactive expression. So if you already have a function defined in your external .R file that wraps your query, you can call that like so:

output$query <- reactive({
  df <- runQuery(datasetInputNumber())

  # whatever you want to do to your data here.
  output$avg <- mean(df[,2])

where runQuery is the function defined in the external R file that accepts a number that then gets used in the SQL query.

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