
I want to read user input in Python to get a url (e.g. and then print the web page in HTML formatting (text only) to the terminal. I tried using pexpect.spawn('elinks') but elinks doesn't seem to write to stdout. I also looked at the HTMLParser module, but I don't know how I format the resulting text into something resembling a webpage. Any advice?

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This is no small challenge. The fact that you want to spawn elinks makes me wonder why you don't just use it instead. See what extensibility/plugin/addon options it has, or try rewriting it to suit your specific needs.

Ultimately, you'll need to write your own browser layout engine with a curses backend. If you're using python, urwid is a popular choice for curses layouts.


with python urllib

enter the url --> urllib --> the page --> print in console

# example in the python urllib page

import urllib

opener = urllib.FancyURLopener({})
f ="")

# modify:

html =

# add:

print html

# to print in terminal

its similar to "curl" in unix

import requests
r = requests.get('')
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