
In my ASP.NET website, I have a method that returns a value of type dynamic. This method, depending on certain criteria and results, will then either return a Boolean value or SortedList.

There is too much code to paste, but for example:

public dynamic ReturnThis(dynamic value)
        value = true;
        value = new List<String>().Add(new Person() { Name = "Travis" });

    return value;

My problem is, I would like to determine the datatype of value after calling this method before acting on or reading its data. But I am unsure how to check what type dynamic value is. How can I do this?

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Solution 2

Just read this on another SO question...hopefully it will do the trick for you:

Type unknown = ((ObjectHandle)tmp).Unwrap().GetType();

Read and upvote this question for more info: get the Type for a object declared dynamic


Both solutions are working for me. In the documentation Smeegs linked to, the is keyword was mentioned. And I came up with a slightly more readable solution:

if(value is Boolean) { } and if(value is List<Person>) { }

A working test:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication3348
    class Program
        class Person
            string Name = "";

        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Assigning List to value");
            dynamic value = new List<Person>();

            if (value is List<Person>)
                Console.WriteLine("value is a list");

            value = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Assigning bool to value");
            if (value is Boolean)
                Console.WriteLine("value is bool");


You should just be able to use GetType(). Like so:

dynamic returnedValue = ReturnThis(value);
var returnType = returnedValue.GetType();

Here is some more information on GetType()

Given a dynamic type:

dynamic dynVar;
Type type; 

A merely declared, uninitialized dynamic variable dynVar will throw an exception of Type Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException as you are performing runtime binding on a null reference, when performing Type-Reflection via dynVar.GetType().

  • As pointed out by "Troy Carlson", one may use, the rather slow method via a remoted MarshalByRefObject:

     Type type = ((ObjectHandle)dynVar).Unwrap().GetType();
     // > null
  • But a simple null check as for any other type would suffice:

     type = dynVar == null ? null : dynVar.GetType();
  • or...

     type = dynVar?.GetType();
dynamic dyn = 1;
Type t = ((object)dyn).GetType();

Works just fine!

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