
I've got a UIAlertView with a text field (alertView). Let's just say I type in "Asdf" in the UIAlertView text field.

In the first line, I grab the text from that field and create *myString from it.

NSString *myString = [alertView textFieldAtIndex:0].text;

On the 2nd line, I display this string in the NSLog with an addition.

NSLog(@"My String is: %@", myString);

This displays properly in the NSLog:

My String is: Asdf

So then on the 3rd line I create an NSString with this addition + my original string (myString). Finally on the 4th line I display this second string in the NSLog.

NSString *mySecondString = (@"My String is: %@", myString);
NSLog(@"%@", mySecondString);

On the 3rd line (mySecondString = ...), I get a warning saying

Expression result unused

The NSLog for this displays improperly as such:


I'm sure I'm missing something very simple so if you spot something it would be much appreciated.

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That's not how you concatenate strings in Objective-C
To properly concatenate two NSString instances, there are a few options.

Option #1. +stringWithFormat class method.

NSString *a = @"hello";
NSString *b = @"world";

NSString *c = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", a, b];

Option #2, -stringByAppendingString instance method.

NSString *a = @"hello";
NSString *b = @"world";

NSString *c = [a stringByAppendingString:b];

In your case, you could use the following.

NSString *mySecondString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",@"My String is:", myString];
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