
Is there to install a font in a batch file, etc. WITHOUT A REBOOT?

fontinst.exe doesn't work nor this. these methods, would all need a reboot...

any suggestions? maybe: NSIS, C, Batch, ...

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I found this article that provides a VBScript that will install a font.

In Windows 7, you will have to run it from an elevated command prompt or your will get a User Access Control prompt.

Const FONTS = &H14&

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(FONTS)
objFolder.CopyHere "C:\Scripts\Myfont.ttf"


I spent a lot of time to find a way for installing font without restart.
Finally, I found ClickFont. It's an easy and exact solution :)

ClickFont was designed to allow quick installation of TrueType fonts with just two mouse clicks. You can install multiple fonts at the same time, all it takes is a right-click on a font or folder.

Integrated into the Windows shell, the user has the possibility to install fonts from any location. ClickFont copies the fonts, but also registers them properly with a system call.

-Softpedia's ClickFont page (as of 2016/10/04)


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