
I have two UIViewControllers called VCA & VC B. VCB has two child views that are presented as modal View Controllers. The two modal View Controllers are M 1 And M 2. Is it possible to Go from M2 to VCA? I need to pop off M2 and go to VCA if possible. Pushing to VCA does not work because M2 does not have a navigation bar. And presenting VCA as a modal is not good because VCA needs to maintain its navigation bar.

So is it possible to jump from M2 which is a Modal ViewController to VCA.

Thanks in advance.

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VCA has a link that says it's your root controller, which means it should be the base of your navigation stack. So, instead of the branching diagram, you should have VCA -> VCB -> M1 -> M2 at run time. I would look at having VCB listen for a notification that M2 is finished. Then it can dismiss M1, which dismisses M2, and pop to the root view controller.


Use the custom delegate for the M2 UIViewController, just dismiss the modal View with respect to the delegate. and use the delegate method in the VC A controller to navigate to the VC B.

In Custom Function, we need to push navigationController object instead of particular object of viewController.Use the following code in Swift 2

    let objNextVC : SignUpOptionVC = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("SignUpOptionVC") as! SignUpOptionVC
    let navigation = UINavigationController(rootViewController: objNextVC)
    navigation.navigationBarHidden = true
    self.navigationController?.presentViewController(navigation, animated: true, completion: nil)
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