
My schema looks something like:

    concepts: [
        {name:..., word:..., start:..., stop:...}

I have a text index on the "text" field and a multi-key index on "":


When I run:


I get 10 results and 10 scans. But when I run:


I get less results but it takes longer and scans a much larger number of documents. I was expecting that the new index intersection feature of MongoDB 2.6 would automatically first cut it down to 10 documents and then do the text search on those. What am I missing? Is this even possible?

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You'll need to create a compound index to support that query. MongoDB 2.6 Index intersection does not work with text indexes. There's an example here in the documentation.

db.col.ensureIndex({"": 1, text: "text" })


As you point out though -- your example is using mutli-key, which is not supported when combined with a text index. Unfortunately, it's a limitation of MongoDB.

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