
I have this App.config in my wcf service library:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="addr" value="net.tcp://localhost:22222/AdministrationService/"/>
      <service name="Watchman.WcfService.AdministrationService" behaviorConfiguration="MyBehavior">
            <add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:22222/AdministrationService/"/>
        <endpoint name="Ep1" address="net.tcp://localhost/AdministrationService/" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="DuplexBinding" contract="Watchman.WcfService.Interfaces.IAdministration"/>
        <endpoint name="mex" address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange"/>

        <behavior name="MyBehavior">
          <serviceThrottling maxConcurrentSessions="10000"/>
          <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpGetUrl="http://localhost/AdministrationService/Ep1/wsdl"/>

        <binding name="DuplexBinding" sendTimeout="00:00:01">
          <reliableSession enabled="true"/>
          <security mode="None"/>

    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client"/>


but I got error:

"The Address property on ChannelFactory.Endpoint was null.  The ChannelFactory's Endpoint must have a valid Address specified."

It seems like application doesn't this endpoint. Why?

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Solution 3

I just noticed that svcutil generates bad endpoint in wcf client project. There's

<endpoint binding="basicHttpBinding"
          name="DefaultBinding_IAdministration_IAdministration" />"

instead of my net.tcp endpoint.

I also observed that's because of generation of ProxyFile.cs and App.config from

svcutil WcfServiceLibrary.dll

If I generate this files from metadata like:

svcutil net.tcp://localhost:8080/AdministrationService/mex /language:C# /out:ProxyFile.cs /config:App.config

then it works fine (in App config is described correct net.tcp endpoint)

Does anyone knows why cooperation svcutil with *.dll goes wrong?


I have this App.config in my wcf service library

You cannot have an app.config in a wcf class library and expect WCF to read settings from it. It doesn't make sense. Config files such as app.config are defined in the final executable application project (such as a Console application, WinForms, WPF, ...). Or if it is a web application you use a web.config. But there is not such thing as app.config for a class library. So you might need to include this WCF configuration in the app/web.config of the application using your class library.

You have specified a base address for net.tcp, so the address on the net.tcp endpoint becomes a relative address. So, effectively the address of the end point becomes net.tcp://localhost:22222/AdministrationService/localhost/AdministrationService/.

Change the address on the endpoint to a relative address and re-generate the proxy class using svcutil.

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