
I have a Windows form user control that is made COM visible. Now I want to embed that control into an ATL dialog GUI.

The ATL project (unmanaged C++) shall only get the progID of the winform and dynamically create and embed it at runtime.

Is this possible and if so, how do I do it?

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Solution 2

I figured out a way to get it to work.
The following code is using a CWnd called m_Control that is made to host a winform via a little documented version of CreateControl. Seems to work fine so far. If anyone sees any drawbacks, please comment or respond.

Microsoft::VisualC::MFC::CControlCreationInfoEx i;
i.Init(System::Type::GetTypeFromProgID(gcnew System::String(sProgID)),
i.m_clsid = CLSID_WinFormsControl;
pt.x = pt.y = 0;
SIZE sz; = = 100;
m_Control.CreateControl(i, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
                        &pt, &sz, CWnd::FromHandle(m_hWnd), ID_CONTROL);


I am not sure about ATL but this can be done easily in MFC using CWinFormsView and CWinFormsControl classes.

I think there is no bulitin support to host a WinForm Control in an ATL Window but I think you can do it by simple getting the HWND of your winform control and setting your ATL control as its parent. This might be a tough road though.

This seems to be a similar type of thing. I havent tested it myself though.


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