
I was going through the negative effects of singleton. Here is one of the point that I cannot understand at all. Here is the link and the point.

Negative sides of Singleton

The following points are used against the Singleton pattern:

They deviate from the Single Responsibility Principle. A singleton class has the responsibility to create an instance of itself along with other business responsibilities. However, this issue can be solved by delegating the creation part to a factory object.

Singleton classes cannot be sub classed.

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Solution 2

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The original GoF book says the following in the Implementation part of Singleton. Note: Instance is the same as the Java getInstance().

  1. Ensuring a unique instance [...]
  2. Subclassing the Singleton class. The main issue is not so much defining the subclass but installing its unique instance so that clients will be able to use it. In essence, the variable that refers to the singleton instance must get initialized with an instance of the subclass. The simplest technique is to determine which singleton you want to use in the Singleton's Instance operation. An example in the Sample Code shows how to implement this technique with environment variables.

    Another way to chose the subclass of Singleton is to take the implementation of Instance out of the parent class and put it in the subclass. That lets a C++ programmer decide the class of singleton at link-time (e.g., by linking in an object file containing a different implementation) but keeps it hidden from the clients of the singleton.

    The link approach fixes the choice of singleton class at link-time, which makes it hard to choose the singleton class at run-time. Using conditional statements to determine the subclass is more flexible, but it hard-wires the set of possible Singleton classes. Neither approach is flexible enough in all cases.

    A more flexible approach uses a registry of singletons. Instead of having Instance define the set of possible Singleton classes, the Singleton classes can register their singleton instance by name in a well-known registry.

    The registry maps between string names and singletons. When Instance needs a singleton, it consults the registry, asking for the singleton by name.

The GoF book goes on to show how registries work.

Here's the Sample Code using the environment variable:

Now let's consider what happens when there are subclasses... We'll select the [subtype] through an environment variable [...]

MazeFactory* MazeFactory::Instance () {
    if (_instance == 0) {
        const char* mazeStyle = getenv("MAZESTYLE");

        if (strcmp(mazeStyle, "bombed") == 0 {
            _instance = new BombedMazeFactory;

        } else if (strcmp(mazeStyle, "enchanted") == 0) }
            _instance = new EnchantedMazeFactory;

        // ... other possible subclasses

        } else {     // default
            _instance = new MazeFactory;
    return _instance;


The article seems to be mostly written about the normal Java implementation of singleton, where the constructor is private; that means subclassing is impossible (the subclass is required to call the constructor, but can't). Allowing more access to the singleton means it can no longer be guaranteed to have only a single instance.

It's really an inherent contradiction; if you can subclass, then you can trivially create more instances (by just creating an otherwise empty subclass for each instance you want) so you don't really have a singleton.

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