
I am editing a video with ffmpeg where I have to keep in view the timestamp further deep from seconds to milliseconds. I know such command : ffmpeg -i a.ogg -ss 00:01:02 -to 00:01:03 -c copy x2.ogg. This uses seconds, but I want down to milliseconds.

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you can try:

ffmpeg -i a.ogg -ss 00:01:02.500 -t 00:01:03.250 -c copy x2.ogg

Timestamps need to be in format for advanced precision (where xxx are milliseconds).

Let me know if it works.


Time duration can be present two format. (FFmpeg 4.3 or newer)

Format 1 :



Format 2 :


Format 1 samples

01:20:10        1 hour 20 minute 10 seconds
04:03           4 minutes 3 seconds
07:02:05.100    7 hours 2 minutes 5 seconds 100 miliseconds 

Format 2 samples

120             120 seconds
120.2           120.2 seconds or 120 seconds 200 miliseconds
1200ms          1200 milliseconds
1300us          1300 microseconds

I never rely on decimals. If possible, use always format2 (-ss '120534ms').

ffmpeg -i a.ogg -ss '100ms' -t '600ms' -c copy x2.ogg

It should be:

ffmpeg -i a.ogg -ss 100ms -t 600ms -c copy x2.ogg


ffmpeg -i a.ogg -ss '100ms' -t '600ms' -c copy x2.ogg
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