
I have a page with a data table. I want some of the items in the tables to be linked to a corresponding view page.

For example, right now I have a table with no links:

<h:dataTable var="bean" value="#{beanServiceImpl.beans}" border="1">

I want to add hyperlinks to some entries and have them go to a view page showing them more info based on their id:

  <h:dataTable var="bean" value="#{beanServiceImpl.beans}" border="1">
        <a href="viewBean.xhtml?id=#{}">#{}</a>

ViewBean.xhtml will contain something like this:


  <li>ID: #{}</li>
  <li>Field 1: #{bean.field1}</li>
  <li>Field 2: #{bean.field2}</li>

How do I accomplish something like this in JSF? I know that I'll have to write a controller to query the id for the other fields. But how do I make viewBean.xhtml run the business logic to get the other fields and render it?

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The BalusC's answer is almost good, but will not work (edit: it works now).

You already know, how to add the value to the params. BTW, if I were you, I would not use <a href>, but instead:

<h:link outcome='viewBean'>
    <f:param name='id' value='#{}' />

Now you have to choices when it comes to catching the value. The simplest would be to add annotation above your id property:

@ManagedProperty("#{}") // this will inject id from param into id
private Long id;

//  (getters and setters are obligatory)

@PostConstruct // this will execute init() after id is injected
public void init() {


And the last thing: having a variable named "bean" has no more sense than calling it "variable" (or having a dog named Dog and cat named Cat). It carries no information and worse, it makes all the beans in your application indistinguishable (unless you build a legumes manager).


I'll assume JSF 2.x. Add this to your Bean

private Long id;

(this does basically a bean.setId(request.getParameter("id")) whenever the view loads)

It'll be available in @PostConstruct method of Bean.

public void init() {
    // Fill model based on id.

This is what I did.

        <h:commandLink action="#{bean.populateBean}" value="#{}">
            <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{}" value="#{}" />

In my class, I added the action controller:

public String populateBean(){
    Bean bean = BeanServiceImpl.getBean(id); //id was injected by the commandLink
    this.field1 = tenure.getField1();
    this.field2 = tenure.getField2();


My ViewBean.xhtml is the same:

  <li>ID: #{}</li>
  <li>Field 1: #{bean.field1}</li>
  <li>Field 2: #{bean.field2}</li>
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