
Working under the Yii framework, I have a page that loads and lists different sections. This is, of course, done with renderPartial a few different views. One of the sections takes an array and displays a list of the items in it. What I need to do is have pagination only for this section, preferably using AJAX so I don't reload all the content upon page selection.

That's the first part of the problem. I've looked into using CActiveDataProvider with CListView, however, the problem there is that I'm displaying information from an array that's unrelated to the database. In other words, there's no conditions and so on to create the array, I just have a bunch of $items and that's about it. Any tips appreciated!

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You can use a CArrayDataProvider instance as the dataProvider for the CListView. It has inbuilt pagination support though you may have to explicitly set the pagination's currentPage.


You can use CLinkPager without CGridView, there is an example:

In controller:

$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria -> order = 'date';
$pages = new CPagination(Posts::model() -> count());
$pages -> pageSize = 50;
$pages -> applyLimit($criteria);
$posts= Posts::model() -> findAll($criteria);
$this -> controller -> render('list', array('posts' => $posts, 'pages' => $pages));

In view:

<?php $this->widget('CLinkPager',array('pages'=>$pages, "cssFile" => false)); ?>
<?php foreach($posts as $x => $post): ?>
  <li><?php echo $post -> title ?></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php $this->widget('CLinkPager',array('pages'=>$pages, "cssFile" => false)); ?>
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