
I want a menu on all my pages in Django 1.6.

In the menu I also want to include some objects from my database. I know I can make extend ListView and get the objects, and I know I can set variables in get_context_data, but how can I make the objects available on ALL my pages. I think it would be stupid to set the context_data in every single view.

The result of my menu should be something like:

    User 1
    User 2
    User 3
    Question 1
    Question 2
    Question 3

What would be a good way to do it? Middlewares? Template tags?

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You are looking for a custom template context processor:

You should write a function like this:


def menu_data(request):

    return {
            'menu': calculate_menu( request ),  #<-- menu is appended 
                                                #    to your context
                                                #    for all templates

Where calculate_menu returns an object with menu items and subitems ( dictionary ? ) Remember than you have path, user and other information into request.

Then include your custom processor on app settings template context processors:

    'my_app.my_context_processors.menu_data',   #<---- here

At this time, menu object is available on all your templates.

Do not panic about terms, it is not difficult and this is the right way.

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