
I have created a logo by using Paint and saved as logo.png.

Now I want to change the default ic_launcher logo of android to my logo.

I know that I need to copy my logo to the res/drawable folders. I added the same file to all drawables and changed android manifest.xml. In android manifest I selected "Application" and then changed icon name to logo.png instead of ic_launcher. I think i need to change the resolutions but I don't know the criteria for drawable folders. Do you know how I can customize them?

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Use the Android Asset Studio here.

Choose Launcher Icon and pick Image at the top. There you can upload an image and the rest is taken care of for you. You can also edit a few things about the image there and there is also a preview at the bottom. When you are finished click on download .zip at the bottom just above the preview. The zip will contain all the images for all the necessary resolutions.


Useful info regarding icon resolutions for different screen densities

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