
I am new to iOS programming and I just want to know that how can we reply on a specific post?

I have read a lot of links but I can't get the point.

I have use this method but it is not working properly this code update/edit your post or comment:

-(void) abc
    [FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:@"/YOUR_POST_ID/comments"
                                              FBRequestConnection *connection,
                                              id result,
                                              NSError *error
                                              ) {
                              /* handle the result */
                              NSLog(@"Results == %@",result);
                              NSLog(@"error == %@",error);

and plus I am calling this method into my textfield

[myReplyingUITextField addTarget:self action:@selector(abc) forControlEvents:(UIControlEventEditingDidEndOnExit)];
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You need to add the message parameter to your API call. Pass the comment into this parameter and you'll be able to comment on the post. See the API documentation.

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