
I am using XCTest to do unit test of some c++/OC mixed codes. I found it seems that XCTAssertThrows cannot catch c++ exception?

My usage is very simple

say, an expression like in c++ test()

XCTAssertThrows(test(), "has throws")

Any suggestion?

Was it helpful?


Short Answer: wrap it by yourself

Long Answer: you can wrap an NSException for any std::exception, like this

#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import <exception>

@interface NSException (ForCppException)

@implementation NSException (ForCppException)
- (id)initWithCppException:(std::exception)cppException
    NSString* description = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:cppException.what()];
    return [self initWithName:@"cppException" reason:description userInfo:nil];

@interface XCTestCase (ForCppException)

@implementation XCTestCase (ForCppException)
- (void)rethowNSExceptionForCppException:(void(^)())action {
    try {
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        @throw [[NSException alloc] initWithCppException:e];

#define XCTAssertCppThrows(expression, format...) \
  XCTAssertThrows([self rethowNSExceptionForCppException:^{expression;}], ## format)

Use it like this:

#pragma mark - test

void foo() {
    throw std::exception();

void bar() {

@interface testTests : XCTestCase

@implementation testTests
- (void)testExample
    XCTAssertCppThrows(foo(), @"should thow exception");    // succeed
    XCTAssertCppThrows(bar(), @"should thow exception");    // failed
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