
So if I have the following struct in Go:

type Person struct {
    name string
    age  int

Given that we don't know what consists of the Person struct, how could we find out programmatically? I've had a look around and it seems that reflection could be used to do this perhaps?

Even just getting the keys for the struct data would be a start, as type []string but ideally getting the types back also would be useful.

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You can indeed use reflection to do this. You primarily want reflect.TypeOf, reflect.Type.Field, reflect.Type.NumField, and reflect.StructField


package main

import "fmt"
import "reflect"

type Person struct {
    name string
    age  int

func main() {
    typ := reflect.TypeOf(Person{})
    for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
        field := typ.Field(i)
        fmt.Println("Field name:", field.Name)
        fmt.Println("Field type:", field.Type)

Playground link

Some notes:

  • This works for both structs in your package and out of your package
  • If you need to actually change or read data, use reflect.ValueOf and pass it a pointer to the struct, followed by a call to Value.Elem()
  • You cannot set unexported fields in another package via reflect without a panic (well, okay, you can, but it involves unsafe and ain't pretty), but you can read them. This is not recommended.
  • Always consider if you actually need reflection before you use it. At the current time, you need to have Go source to successfully import the package, so if you just need to know field names it may be better to just poke around the source code. If you need to know at runtime, ask yourself why and if there's any possible way around it. Reflect is a landmine of bugs and quirky behavior.
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