
How does one generate the original public/private keys used for Authenticode signing? I see commans like this in the tutorials:

pvk2pfx.exe -pvk mykey.pvk -pi <password> -spc mycert.spc -pfx mycert.pfx -po <password>

but they don't say how to get the private key in the first place.

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Solution 2

According to a Twitter answer, "You need to get a Class 3 Code Signing cert from a CA."


For testing you can generate a self sign certificate:

REM May change depending of your installed Windows SDK
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Bin"

REM Generate the root certificate
.\makecert.exe -r -pe -n "CN=Sample.CA" -ss CA -sr CurrentUser -a sha1 -cy authority -sky signature -sv d:\Sample.CA.pvk d:\Sample.CA.cer

REM Add the Root certificate to the user store
certutil.exe -user -addstore Root d:\Sample.CA.cer

REM Create the certificate for code signing
.\makecert.exe -pe -n "CN=Sample.CodeSigning" -eku "," -a sha1 -cy end -sky signature -ic d:\Sample.CA.cer -iv d:\Sample.CA.pvk -sv d:\Sample.CodeSigning.pvk d:\Sample.CodeSigning.cer

REM Convert to certificate to pfx file format
.\pvk2pfx.exe -pvk d:\Sample.CodeSigning.pvk -spc d:\Sample.CodeSigning.cer -pfx d:\Sample.CodeSigning.pfx
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