
OK so im trying to create a settings class to store certain strings that i need to access throughout the system. I have created a globalSettings.cs with the code below:

public class GlobalSettings
    private readonly Hashtable myHT;

    public GlobalSettings()
        //Hashtable used to store global strings
        myHT = new Hashtable();
        myHT.Add("logCategory","TMBC"); //event log category
        myHT.Add("logSource", "MVC"); //event log source

        //setup required options

        //Create log source if required
        if (!EventLog.SourceExists(myHT["logSource"].ToString()))
            EventLog.CreateEventSource(myHT["logSource"].ToString(), myHT["logCategory"].ToString());


    public string getSetting(string key)
        return myHT.ContainsKey(key) ? myHT[key].ToString() : null;

At the moment i have initialised this class in each one of my controllers with the following:

protected GlobalSettings globalSettings = new GlobalSettings();

**Should i set the constructor to private and implement the singleton pattern as it is afterall a settings class and only need one instance?

Would i be better off extending the controller class with the setting information in it?


Was it helpful?


Personally, I'd rather compartmentalize those things. For example, why do all your controllers need to know about writing event logs? I'd have a single LogWriter class and ILogWriter interface, and use dependency injection (see MVCContrib for samples) - i.e.

class FooController : Controller {
    private readonly ILogWriter logWriter;
    public FooController(ILogWriter logWriter) {
        this.logWriter = logWriter; // <==== edited for clarity

(and using a DI-based controller-factory)

This allows you to unit test the log-writing by mocking the log-writer. Then the settings would fit reasonably well as constants (or fetched from config) inside the LogWriter class.

Re the specific question; if all the values are constant, use constants (or maybe static properties):

public static GlobalSettings
    public static const string LogCategory = "TMBC"; //event log category
    public static const string LogSource = "MVC"; //event log source

A dictionary would be useful if they are fetched from configuration; if they are truly global, a static dictionary should suffice - instances would only be useful if it changes between impressions. A singleton would serve no purpose here; use static members instead.


@Marc Gravell

So far i have my main controller:

    public class TasksController : Controller
    private tasklistDataContext db = new tasklistDataContext();

    public TasksController(ILogWriter myWriter)
        /* constructor */

    //displays list of tasks
    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewData["Message"] = "Task List";

        IOrderedQueryable<task> tasks = from t in db.tasks orderby t.entryDate descending select t;

        return View(tasks.ToList());


The ILogWriter class so far is below:

    public class ILogWriter
    public static string logCategory;
    public static string logSource;

    public ILogWriter()

        logCategory = "TMBC";
        logSource = "MVC";

        //Create log source if required
        if (!EventLog.SourceExists(logSource))
            EventLog.CreateEventSource(logSource, logCategory);


    public void writeLog(string eventMsg)
        EventLog.WriteEntry(logSource, eventMsg, EventLogEntryType.Error);


i know this should be simple but i'm so unfamiliar with .NET i'm finding it a bit challenging at the moment :)

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