
I am trying to template the following array of objects:

var arr = [{name:"Ryan Pays", url:""}, {name:"foo", url:""}];

I convert that array to an object like so:

arr = $.extend({}, arr);

Which gives me the following object:

0:{name:"Ryan Pays", url:""},
1:{name:"foo", url:""}

Using Mustache i want to enumerate over that object with the following template:

var template = "<h4>Your friends' choices</h4>" +
               "<ul>" +
               "<li>" +
               "<p><strong>{{name}}</strong> likes <a href='{{url}}'>this</a></p>" +
               "</li>" +
var html = Mustache.to_html(template, displayData);

I don't seem to be able to do that. I can get the first result like to print like so:

var html = Mustache.to_html(template, displayData[0]);

And so on but not both.

Link to fiddle of this issue:

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You could use the template for arrays :

var template = "<h4>Your friends' choices</h4>" +
    "<ul>" +
           "<li>" +
           "<p><strong>{{name}}</strong> likes <a href='{{url}}'>this</a></p>" +
           "</li>" +
var html = Mustache.to_html(template, {arr:arr});


You need to use Mustache's built-in iteration capabilities:

var template = "<h4>Your friends' choices</h4>" +
               "<ul>{{#friends}}" +
                 "<li>" +
                   "<p><strong>{{name}}</strong> likes <a href='{{url}}'>this</a></p>" +
                 "</li>" +

var data = {friends: [{name:"Ryan Pays", url:""}, {name:"foo", url:""}]};

var html = Mustache.to_html(template, data);

the secret sauce is in the section declaration {{#friends}}

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