
I'm using the GitHub application for windows to transfer my code between my local and the server. I've made two services thus far, which work fine- however my latest c# service's .exe and related files aren't picked up by the GitHub app, meaning when I pull from the server, the .exe of the service isn't available to allow installation. (From the debug folder, the installation.log file is picked up, but not the .exe and some attached .dlls)

I've reviewed the directory, and there's no git.ignore instructing the app to ignore it. Furthermore, when I make changes to my existing services, their .exe is updated, and picked up by the app and allowed to transfer.

Why doesn't my new service's .exe and related installation files get picked up?

I'm using VS2008 (Don't judge me, it's comfortable).

Any advice appreciated, thanks.

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Hey actually something like that happened to me once with the Github for Windows. Well at least for what I understand is that the file doesn't get added to the remote git repo.

I would start the git shell:

Open the repo you're working on >> Tools and Options (Button) >> Open a shell here

There try this to see if file is added to the repo:

git ls-files yourService.exe --error-unmatch

if not try figuring out if it's ignored some how:

git check-ignore -v -- yourService.exe

if you get nothing, it's not ignored. If you do get output it is ignored somehow.

So first if it's ignored force add it manually:

git add -f yourService.exe

Now commit and push it to the server. In case you've never done this manually use:

git commit yourService.exe "This is a commit message for one file only..." (For commiting on a specific file)

or if you want to commit on all changes and added files use:

git commit -a yourService.exe "This is a commit message for all changes and added files..."

In the case it's not even ignored you may have merge problems with the server, in that case you have to to force push to server by using: git push -f <remote> <branch> (e.g. git push -f origin master) which is very well explained by Trev Norris here: Force "git push" to overwrite remote files.

After that it should be solved, I kinda stopped using Github for Windows because of these ignore issues (which might be purposely developed but I do it manually and use for visuals).

Hope this helps you.

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