
Is there a way to dump all current preprocessor defines at some point in the source file? Or another way to inspect changes in preprocessor directives between two points in the source file?

I did not find anything here. Here's an example to give the idea:

#define FOO

#pragma message "defines before whatever.h"
#pragma please_dump_all_defines
#include <whatever.h>
#pragma message "defines after whatever.h"
#pragma please_dump_all_defines

// rest of the file

A different way a way to get the information would work too, for example with gcc -E somehow, as long as it takes into account that FOO above may affect what exactly is defined by the include file, and can track multiple #define/#undef, etc.

Was it helpful?


Certainly the GCC preprocessor can't do exactly what you want but it does have a -dCHARS option, for flag combinations CHARS, that you can leverage with a little scripting to extract the changes in preprocessor definitions between two points in a translation unit.

I'll illustrate with a translation unit comprising these two files:


#define B 1
#define C 2
#pragma message Begin
#include "bar.h"
#pragma message End
#undef B
#undef C
#define B 4
#define C 5 


#ifndef BAR_H
#define BAR_H

#undef B
#undef C
#ifdef A
#define B 2
#define C 3



cpp -dD foo.c

The -dD option preserves the #define|#undef directives in the otherwise preprocessed output. There are > 500 lines of that output, so I'll just cite the interesting tail:

# 1 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "foo.c"
#define B 1
#define C 2

# 3 "foo.c"
#pragma message Begin
# 3 "foo.c"

# 1 "bar.h" 1

#define BAR_H 

#undef B
#undef C
# 5 "foo.c" 2

# 5 "foo.c"
#pragma message End
# 5 "foo.c"

#undef B
#undef C
#define B 4
#define C 5

Alternatively, invoke:

cpp -dD -DA foo.c

and the corresponding tail (with my comments) is:

# 1 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "foo.c"
#define B 1
#define C 2

# 3 "foo.c"
#pragma message Begin
# 3 "foo.c"

# 1 "bar.h" 1

#define BAR_H 

#undef B
#undef C

#define B 2     //<- New with -DA
#define C 3     //<- New with -DA
# 5 "foo.c" 2

# 5 "foo.c"
#pragma message End
# 5 "foo.c"

#undef B
#undef C
#define B 4
#define C 5

What a script has to do with this is:

  • 1) Extract the #define|#undef directives that precede the start-point marker, #pragma message Begin, retaining only the rolling latest per macro name.
  • 2) Repeat 1) from the start-point to the end-point marker #pragma message End.
  • 3) Match the two sets by macro name and report the before/after differences.

As your luck would have it, it happens that I need to blow the cobwebs off my (never very lustrous) python for an interview, so here's a script (only cursorily debugged):


import sys, argparse, os, string, re, subprocess, shlex
from subprocess import call, CalledProcessError

class macro_directive:
    def __init__(self,directive = None,name = None,definition = None):
        self.__directive = directive
        self.__name = name
        self.__definition = definition
    def __eq__(self,other):
        return  self.__name == other.__name and \
                self.__directive == other.__directive and \
                self.__definition == other.__definition
    def __neq__(self,other):
        return not __eq__(self,other)
    def empty(self):
        return not self.__directive
    def directive(self):
        return self.__directive
    def name(self):
        return self.__name
    def definition(self):
        return self.__definition

    def desc(self):
        desc = self.__directive + ' ' + self.__name
        if self.__definition:
            desc += ' '
            desc += self.__definition
        return desc

    def read(line):
        match = re.match('^\s*#\s*(define|undef)\s+(\w+) \s*(.*)$',line)
        if match:
            directive =
            name =
            if directive == 'define':
                return macro_directive(directive,name,
                return macro_directive(directive,name)
            return macro_directive()
    def make_dict(lines):
        d = {}
        for line in lines:
            md =;
            if not md.empty:
                d[] = md
        return d

def find_marker(lines,marker):
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.find(marker) == 0:
            return i;
    return -1

def split_by_marker(lines,marker):
    mark_i = find_marker(lines,marker)
    if mark_i != -1:
        return [lines[:mark_i],lines[mark_i:]]
    return [[],lines]

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Extract changes in simple preprocessor macro values between' +
        ' two marked points in a C/C++ translation unit. ' +
        'Function-like macros are not supported')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--start', metavar='STARTSTR',required=True,
    help='The initial macro values will be those in effect when the' +
        ' first line commencing with STARTSTR is read')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--end', metavar='ENDSTR',
    help='The final macro values will be those in effect when the first line' +
    ' commencing with ENDSTR is read, or if --end is not given then those' +
    ' in effect at end-of-file ')
parser.add_argument('--pp', default='cpp -dD',metavar='PP',
    help='PP is the preprocessor command to invoke. Default \'cpp -dD\'')
    help='PPFLAGS are additional options to be passed to PP')
    help='FILE is a C/C++ source file to be processed')

args = vars(parser.parse_args())
startstr = args['start'];
endstr = args['end'];
stdout = ''
command = args['pp'] + ' ' + args['ppflags'] + ' ' + args['infile'][0]

    stdout = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(command))
except CalledProcessError, e:
    sys.stderr.write( '***Error: Command \"' + command + '\" failed: \"' + \
        e.output + '\": ' + 'syscode = ' + str(e.returncode) + '\n')
lines = stdout.splitlines();
lines_before,lines_after = split_by_marker(lines,startstr);
if not lines_before:
    sys.stderr.write( '***Error: STARTSTR \"' + startstr + '\" not found\n')
if endstr:
    lines_after, ignore = split_by_marker(lines_after,endstr);
    if not lines_after:
        sys.stderr.write( '***Error: ENDSTR \"' + endstr + '\" not found\n')

directives_dict_before = macro_directive.make_dict(lines_before)
directives_dict_after = macro_directive.make_dict(lines_after)
intersection = \
    directives_dict_before.viewkeys() & directives_dict_after.viewkeys()

for key in intersection:
    before = directives_dict_before[key]
    after = directives_dict_after[key]
    if before != after:
        print 'BEFORE[' + before.desc + '] AFTER[' + after.desc +']'  



$ ./ -h
usage: macrodiff [-h] -s STARTSTR [-e ENDSTR] [--pp PP] [--ppflags PPFLAGS]

Extract changes in simple preprocessor macro values between two marked points in a C/C++ translation unit. Function-like macros are not supported

positional arguments:
  FILE                  FILE is a C/C++ source file to be processed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The initial macro values will be those in effect when
                        the first line commencing with STARTSTR is read
  -e ENDSTR, --end ENDSTR
                        The final macro values will be those in effect when
                        the first line commencing with ENDSTR is read, or if
                        --end is not given then those in effect at end-of-file
  --pp PP               PP is the preprocessor command to invoke. Default 'cpp
  --ppflags PPFLAGS     PPFLAGS are additional options to be passed to PP

Try this with:

$ ./ -s='#pragma message Begin' -e='#pragma message End' foo.c


BEFORE[define C 2] AFTER[undef C]
BEFORE[define B 1] AFTER[undef B]


$ ./ -s='#pragma message Begin' -e='#pragma message End' --ppflags='-DA' foo.c


BEFORE[define C 2] AFTER[define C 3]
BEFORE[define B 1] AFTER[define B 2]


$ ./ -s='#pragma message Begin' --ppflags='-DA' foo.c

This time the differences are taken between #pragma message Begin and end-of-file. Output:

BEFORE[define C 2] AFTER[define C 5]
BEFORE[define B 1] AFTER[define B 4]

If you'd rather use distinctive comments rather than pragmas as the start and end markers, then add -C to the PPFLAGS. That will retain comments in the preprocessed output, except those in directives.

Support for function-like macros is left as an exercise.


I'm pretty sure you should be able to code something like this up using Boost Wave.

And certainly with libclang, though that would both be a lot more complex and incur way more dependencies.

Let me whether I can whip up something based on Boost Wave.

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