
I am trying to set the form action url dynamically from the server,

this is what the view action returns,

return render_to_response('filebrowser/form.html', {
        'posturl': posturl,
}, context_instance=Context(request))

and the posturl can have two values

  1. this is the registered app url like
  2. this is the other url which is youtube upload url which is like

while rendering the form itself if the posturl value is 1 its working fine, but if the value is second option then i am getting the error:

      Exception Type:   NoReverseMatch
      Exception Value:  u'https' is not a registered namespace

but in case if i am rendering entire html with action from server its working fine,


  form = "<form action=posturl><form>"
  return HttpResponse(form)

any help would be appreciated,

How i used posturl in template. i am using uploadify for upload.

   jQuery(function($) {    
        'script'            : '{% url posturl%}',
please avoid any syntax errors


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url tag doesn't handle external urls, it was designed to make a url from the view function and optional parameters. Just don't use url tag in this case.

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