
Is possible to make operation inside the field? I need to multiply CostoUnitario with Qta, and display it in the TOTALE column

This is my array.In the ng grid, the user will insert values (I setted 4 field just to try). Everything works fine elsewhere, I can get the result I want, but I need the field Totale to show the multiplication between CostoUnitario and Qta. (It's an invoice.)

     $scope.myData = [{Numero:'',Descrizione:'',CostoUnitario:'10',Qta:'1',Totale:''},
  $scope.gridOptions = { 
    data: 'myData', 
    enableCellSelection: true,
    enableCellEdit: true,
    enableRowSelection: false,
    columnDefs: [{field: 'Numero', displayName: 'Numero', enableCellEdit: true},
      {field:'Descrizione', displayName:'Descrizione'},
      {field: 'CostoUnitario', displayName: 'Costo Unitario', enableCellEdit: true},
      {field: 'Qta', displayName: 'Qta', enableCellEdit: true},
      {field: 'CostoUnitario*Qta', displayName: 'Totale', enableCellEdit: false}]
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You're on the right track. I attached a function to each row in the data and referenced it in field key for the Totale column.

Here's the plnkr

columnDefs: [{field: 'Numero', displayName: 'Numero', enableCellEdit: true},
      {field:'Descrizione', displayName:'Descrizione'},
      {field: 'CostoUnitario', displayName: 'Costo Unitario', enableCellEdit: true},
      {field: 'Qta', displayName: 'Qta', enableCellEdit: true},
      {field: 'getTotale()', displayName: 'Totale', enableCellEdit: false}


angular.forEach($scope.myData, function(row) {
    row.getTotale = function() {
      return row.CostoUnitario * row.Qta;
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