
I have collections that i need update every single second. I use for that ScheduledExecutorService. But i have question, do it's better give thread pool full collection or send each element of collection to thread pool?

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I suggest the following solution:

  • For Map collections, replace them with ConcurrentHashMap. This map has iterators tolerant to collection changes, and locking of it is striped based on keys hashCode().
  • For Set collections, use sets created by factory Collections.newSetFromMap() with ConcurrentHashMap instance passed as an argument. This will provide you with set with same thread-safety-related properties as for map I mentioned above.
  • For List collections, first consider whether you really need List. If yes, consider using CopyOnWriteArrayList or wrapping original list with

    List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); //or maybe LinkedList, but this is not related to the question.

Please be advised that iterators returned by this wrapped list are not thread-safe and may throw ConcurrentModificationException.

Now, you may encounter problem - Set returned by the factory, cannot have same values in it. If this is a problem for you, try use some Guava Multiset. Further information about it can be found here.

Ok, we finished with the collections. Now, let's consider its updates on the example of ConcurrentHashMap.

Implementation of this structure provides you so-called eventual visibility guarantees. That means that each iterator represents some collection state - maybe not the last one, but the state is guaranteed to be valid at some moment of time, maybe in the past. Usually that is enough for most cases.

That means that to parallelize handling of some activities, you can pass the reference to this collection to your Thread or Runnable which modifies it, and to some other Thread or Runnable that reads it, and you should be fine.

Note that throughput for the List I mentioned above will be lower, because this collection is exclusively accessed due to synchronized blocks added by that wrapper.

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