
I have a repeater control in my aspx page and in that page i have placed checkbox. When a user checks this box, then i want to redirect to a page. I have written a javaScript too to perform this action as follows:


function update(eid) {

following is method in code behind:

protected void rptEventReminder_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        CheckBox cbx = e.Item.FindControl("chkComplete") as CheckBox;
        Label lbl = e.Item.FindControl("lblEid") as Label;

        if (cbx != null && lbl !=null)
            Int64 eid = Convert.ToInt64(lbl.Text);
            cbx.Attributes.Add("onclick", "update(eid);");

that eid which i am passing as parameter is the unique in database.

javaScript Error i am getting is:

JavaScript runtime error: 'eid' is undefined

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Currently, You are passing eid as hard-coded text to onclick handler, Which treats it as JavaScript variable thus you are getting an error

JavaScript runtime error: 'eid' is undefined

Now, In C# code eid is a variable thus you need to pass it as

cbx.Attributes.Add("onclick", "update(" + eid +");");


I found solution to my question. I made little changes in code behind where i am calling a javaScript as follows:

protected void rptEventReminder_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
    CheckBox cbx = e.Item.FindControl("chkComplete") as CheckBox;
    Label lbl = e.Item.FindControl("lblEid") as Label;

    if (cbx != null && lbl !=null)
        Int64 eid = Convert.ToInt64(lbl.Text);
        cbx.Attributes.Add("onclick", "update("+eid+");");

now its working fine.

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