
I installed Specflow using the Download button from the VS2013 specflow page

I added a feature to my Specs project using Add New Item and Choosing SpecFlow Feature File

When I build the project I get Error 1 The type or namespace name 'TechTalk' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I also get an error mentioning that NUnit is missing.

Where would I find the files to reference and how do I check they are correct to go with TechTalk.Specflow ?

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Go to visual studio package manager console.

To install specflow for NUnit, type

Install-Package SpecFlow.NUnit

This will install all the required packages and a correctly configured app.config to work with NUnit.

If you instead resolved all the references by hand, then you would still have to construct the app config correctly. Finding the right config for MSTest or NUnit can take a little while to get right so it is better to just use the nuget package.

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